puffy dreams
above the skies we fly, to gobble up the clouds

who me

ragamuffin. rush. rants. relish. rebel. rhapsody. rage. ritzy. rocknroll. RAINBOWS & DAYDREAMS






time to Dream. time to bitch.


Monday, August 30, 2004

.::mood>>head spins..throat sOars..*sneeZe*::.

aSsclubbb..feels hellish ..nahh.. slight feverish.....*drops dead*




common tests result for ABC was pure to shit for!
i lost 15marks to carelessness...didn't do questions in mcq ...
just 20/40 for MCQ..i detest this section..MCQ! alwayz drowning me.....coughs
wrote sickle-cell as sickled-cell...Duh!>,<
wrote competitive when knowing graph/result's darn non-competitive evidently.....
impetuous dope in sheet.....wait til rachelle gets back from hongkong...
urmm..nahh..she just wants the results sheet...fool's errand~HAA~

led to the Neopets.com instinctively right now..i forgot my username...
my poor weeYaYa..he must be famishedX100000000000......
my apology...neglected my neopet for..a year?*sobs*

scallywag : trouble-making child (me)
narky : bad-tempered (me)
gaily : cheerfully (aiint me now~frolic my foot)

let's see...Twee vs Twat ! -.-" (!head to bed u brat!)

..damatte zutto..hoshi wo miteita ne..
.::music>>self-composed lullaby(mememe)::.

rolynx @ 9:50 PM

Wednesday, August 25, 2004


there's like two titles~~ *cheeks*
hummz..where to begin...o.O"

First off! OMATSURI da!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*Big Grin* =D
back on saturday we celebrated just like we did last year~~dopey doop!
but was sunny then hot then humid..drizzled a little at night but no more than that before it's back to darn humid```awwwe.....
saw that toma & the gal friend whom we took pics with last year...& also spoush's cutsey boi, ryutaro & his cliq...think we saw tomohiro but aint sure..^^~managed to spot another cho kawaii otoko!!! resembles edison but Nihonjin version~! akakkaka..kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~floats~~
and managed to finish my coupons this time round^^=
xiaofen's sister mentioned that wendy & i look like sisters......damn i was standing too close to her!!! *lmao* gotta keep a distance dude! ahahhaa..joking aiight^^"
ureshii da ne~~~demo saa~~omotteta..kare ima mo atashi no koto mada kirai desu ne..mada mada dane~~

Next on~today! KboX!
haa..last paper for common test has ended^^~
was kinda lucky as bb was near the place when it started raining cats & dogs late morning..
RAGV went clementi's new site kboX today..spoush went to meet her r*Yce~=X
..............man do i dislike the service there~tsk`
anyhow..had Fun still~hehx...all the happenings we made crap fool of ourselves~~~*giggles*
gim & amy both had their lips knocking mikes accidentally*lol* all that silly sheet fun^^!!
alongside, nature's call..trouble with toilet..auntie in process haaa cleaning...
damnnn was urgency***lol
sooo...guess whaddy~~~
I went to NTUC's toilet! believe that?!?
leaving the room empty..gim brought us downstairs & into NTUC, had to tag along yea..& *poof* we pounced into the staff's loo!!! never knew about this til today..dope!*grin*
she claimed she used it since young*lmao*

enjoyed a round of Pepsi-Cola 123 game near gim's block before RAG part...V=veron went off earlier..
boy can amy scream! hoh dear~~lolx..gim & i attacked her^^=

-New T&T CD coming out this fall~!
-takky's guitar .. tsuba's 'innocence' ... *lmao*
-KanJani8 is having a handshaking event after release of their single^^~Omedetou!!
-Hot Hit 100 @ 24-hour Television..Johnny's people were there of course but takky couldn't make it(that drama filming in the mountains-.-zzZ) & tsubasa sang Yume Monogatari with Arashi in the suteki sunglasses~~~*lol*
-takky's 'Yoshitsune' dorama started filming in August..& he says that his butt hurts from all the horse-riding & he feels like a monkey?!^^"awWww..my poor baby~~~~~gambare!!*chu*
-Omedetou on Tsubasa's concert~~~Fans wants the Imai Tsubasa = Dance! so he's gonna give it! kakkoiiyo ne~!~!~
-I miss kame too..missing out on Shounen Club*weeps*
-w-inds. Tour Photobook releasing on October 8th~^-^~

lotsa august babies...otanjoubi omedetou yo~!~!~!
..damatte zutto..hoshi wo miteita ne..
.::music>>Slide Along Side(Shifty)::.

rolynx @ 10:00 PM

Friday, August 13, 2004


HoiHoi!! an hour more to my 18th birthday day~!~!~!~!*wooTx*

.. im a year older*sobs* ..my childhood.......here i embrace goodybye*sniffs*
3 more years to a real adult~sheesh...how 'anticipating'~~*shrugs*
im getting moronic..i apologise``

so it's like another 50mins to my day~!*howls*
went out with spoush gim amy veron just now^^~
had my fill at paragon sushi tei..then The Village movie kinda removed my hyper-ness..
with the somewhat stuupidity script... damnnn..we were saying let's camp houses in botanic gardens instead la~~*brr*
Friday the 13th today..hope all bad luck's blown away by tmr's wind!!!*chu*

Common tests..another dreaddd..3 days in a row the tests are dated..hurrr*hicks*
study study study i must next week!*gulp*
hahhaa..admit it im an expression-ful girl^^~~

just did a Cartoon Character Test::
You are Tweety!
You are cute, and everyone loves you.You are a best friend that no one takes the chance of losing. You never hurt feelings and seldom have your own feelings hurt. Life is a breeze. You are witty, and calm most of the time. Just keep clear of backstabbers, and you are worry free.

***May Everyone I Love Stay Pink & Healthy & joyfully cuddled!*smooch***
***May dear wishes come true~~~^^=

##i wish upon the darkest sky where only the brightest sparks of light will be shone##

..damatte zutto..hoshi wo miteita ne..
.::music>>Hippy Happy Birthday to Me!::.

rolynx @ 11:00 PM

Monday, August 09, 2004

.::mood>>seated swaying?::.

hola~como te llamas?? ?como estas? ^^=
Yo soy bien, Gracias~! *lolx*whoever asks me??o.O
Happy Singapore Day!!! it's a public holiday!!!!! *cheers*lmao*
just got back from the esplanade..class went to watch the fireworks~~
we were set right in front at the railing seatings..haha..felt like a Singaporean^^"
KIREI!!!!! hanabiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii sugeeeee!!!!!!! aaaaa~~suki da!

ooh i just found out about this thang, BlogShares.com after checking my stats..
lil' shocked when i found out...but oh well~spotted some friends linkings too in there.. so..aiight i suppose~~^^~~

-tsuba is going to have a solo concert~! sugee~~& ya tickets for the con will be mailed out today~~
-tsuyoshi-kun lost weight from 59kg to 53kg?!? ohh dear.....*yelps*
-w-inds. Best Tracks album sold out
-watching some clips of Tackey&Tsubasa's concert in Thailand now^^~~
-AnimeS>>watched episode 94 of Naruto & 125 of Prince of Tennis~!!~floats~
..also reading book volume 26 of Naruto & waiting for book volume 23 of Prince of Tennis Manga~! ..Inuyasha real tough to catch up with*sobs*

*smooch mel*Genki desu!*hugs* ~hi to BunnySan, gig & aica~~~^^= Hajimemashitayo!

..damatte zutto..hoshi wo miteita ne..
.::music>>Ye Zi(A*Sang)::.

rolynx @ 12:11 AM

watashi no sekai

Damatte zutto hoshiwo miteita takky


  • shigoto wa taihen na~~

the day my heartiest baby left me


The wackiest and most gorgeous kitty
You're the best damn thing i ever had

im loving you for eternity sweetheart!